Is a system of soft tissue manipulation,  with the objective of realigning the body  structurally and harmonizing its fundamental movement patterns in relation  to gravity .  



Most human beings are  significantly out of alignment because  of the effects of gravity. Gravity shapes  body alignment. From birth until death  gravity is always working on our  musculo-skeletal system. Our bodies  get pulled into unnatural positions,  which result in chronic patterns of  tension, stress and pain these affect  both mind and body not only worsening  rigidity and inflexibility but also  affecting our state of mind (eg.  irritability) . We function better when  our bodies are aligned with the  gravitational field of the earth. 

What happens and what’s involved?

Over a series of sessions, both client  and Rolfer work together to “lift” head,  shoulder, thorax, pelvis and legs, into  vertical alignment. Each session builds  on the cumulative results of the  previous one. Chronic discomforts often  disappear immediately, or soon after  the series are completed. A sense of  lightness and internal “rightness,” along  with more energy and greater mobility  are often the result. Rolfing creates  long-lasting change by addressing the  underlying cause for pain and tension.  The goal of Rolfing goes beyond  relieving tension in isolated body  regions, instead the entire body is  integrated in gravity so the body as a  whole functions more efficiently. People  who have been Rolfed move with more  surety and grace and often report  positive changes in their outlook on life. 

How often? Treatments are ordered in a  series of ten sessions that are  

approximately one hour in length and  usually spaced one week apart. Individual  non-series sessions are also available. 

How long does Rolfing last? Rolfing  changes the structure of your body. The  effects of Rolfing are long-term and last  many years. In addition to changing the  body, Rolfers make themselves obsolete by  empowering their clients to take charge of  their own physical and emotional health. 


The benefits for getting Rolfing are many:

Breathe easier 

• Flexibility improvement 

Improve posture and alignment of body

Physiological improvement 

Reduce pain in many muscle as well  

relieving headaches and tension 

Improve quality of movement 

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