One week and counting until the return of golf. After such a long absence from sport, we predict to see an increase in aches and pains associated with doing too much too quickly.
Have you been hitting off hard mats? Or suddenly going from doing nothing for months to planning on hitting 300 balls a day for a week?
Players need to develop a stable foundation and develop tissue resilience that can tolerate the forces being placed upon them. The golf swing requires a large mix of explosive power, strength, stability, flexibility and athletic ability.
Here is some education on three key areas to develop and maintain your mobility. This will help reduce injury potential and benefit your game!
Thoracic spine (mid back)
Golf requires a lot of rotation which is generated from the thoracic spine. If your thoracic spine is stiff, rotational forces will end up going elsewhere. Usually this is to the lumbar spine (low back) which is not designed well to take such rotational forces. This can lead to an injury or technique faults.
Flexibility in your hips is important to facilitate a full and efficient swing through correct loading and weight transference through your feet and up the chain during your golf swing. Reduced mobility in hips have been shown to be linked with increased low back pain in golfers.
Golf is an asymmetrical sport requiring different movements and actions from the upper and lower limbs. A right handed golfer will require greater range of movement in the right shoulder than left during swing. Good range of movement helps both technique and reducing excess forces to other areas of the body during your swing.
We advise you to gradually rebuild mobility and strength. Flexibility is important for golfers but it is equally important to be able to safely control the movement. Having a stable base to create and transmit forces from the ground up to your hands is vital for efficient and maximal power creation and use.
Check out these preparation exercises for golfers:
Tips: sit back into a chair, shirt logo facing forward and belt buckle up.
Increase depth throughout each movement.
2sets x 10reps
2sets x 6reps each leg.
Wall Lean
Tips: step forward, wide stance with weight on your front foot. Rock back and forward keeping front foot heel on the ground.
2sets x 6reps with 5 second hold, each leg.
Tips: Extend one arm, shorten the grip on the band, then pull the bow.
2sets x 6reps each arm.
Thoracic spine rotations
Tips: Hands behind head, holding a golf club or band. Keep hips stable. Rotate upper body, minimal movement from low back.
2sets x 6reps each side.
Shoulder rotations
Tips: Hold a band or golf club move forward and backwards over your head. Standing tall.
2sets x 6reps.
If you require any further advise, please contact us!
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